Project List | Institutional
COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTERS: Project Management, Design and Planning
Fenway Community Health Center; Boston, Massachusetts; Project Architect for renovations to 1,300 SF of raw leased space for the Billing Department. Project also included ADA modifications to main health center building and space programming and alterations design to keep pace with expanding and evolving patient and community services. Project completion date: October, 1994. Projected construction budget: $125,000.
North End Community Health Center; Boston, Massachusetts; Project Architect for programming and full design services for the total renovation and integration of an existing four story townhouse into additional clinical space for an established community based health center in a historic North End neighborhood. Major project complications include realignment of floor levels to match the existing health center's three floor scheme, accessibility accommodations in both buildings and complex user space planning and programming issues. Services included negotiation for zoning variances, Department of Public Health approvals and code compliance. Construction start date: November 1994; Anticipated completion date: July, 1995. Projected construction cost: $715,000.
Fenway Community Health Center; Boston, Massachusetts; Project manager for technical projects, including computer networks, telecommunications, security system, ambient music/paging system, and Relocation Manager for an 18,000 square foot facility, consolidating from five separate leased locations. Project Manager for renovation of 5,000 square feet of leased space into research offices and a new dental clinic, including demolition, Department of Public Health approvals, hazardous waste removal, architectural design and coordination of engineering consultants, bidding and construction. Project architect for the design development, specification, fabrication and installation of an 8' x 16' commemorative donor's wall of limestone, slate and marble containing 1400 sandblasted names, completed in two phases. Project completion date: April, 1991.
Codman Square Health Center; Dorchester, Massachusetts; Project manager and consulting related to final outfitting and initial occupancy of a new community health center. Phased occupancy included reconfiguration and internal department moves within existing facility. Projected completion: November, 1993. Building Policy and Procedures Manual creation and project management undertaken beginning August, 1994.
Fenway Community Health Center; Boston, Massachusetts: Project architect for strategic space planning and alterations design for modifications to increase clinical space, improve staff and patient flow and privacy within a rapidly growing community health center. Project also included planning and build-out design for off-site administrative space. Project Budget: $465,000. Project completion, March, 1995. Final project increased primary clinical exam and provider office space by 50%.
Habit Management Institute; Boston, Massachusetts; Facility programming, planning and full architectural services for the relocation and expansion of an existing out-patient rehabilitation clinic and counseling offices comprising 22,400 square feet. Project included analysis of various buildings and locations under consideration. Project Budget $750,000.
North Shore Medical and Dental Building; Peabody, Massachusetts: Project Architect for master planning, common area improvements and architectural modifications to a fully operational and occupied medical practice building. On-going.
To view a selection of Community Health Centers in our portfolio, click here.